One is yearning to meet with their reflection, dipping into the pits of darkness in their heart. Charmed by the power the self holds, they are brought closer to themselves, yet parted from their own shadow. The soul searches for its true form in its own existence. As if the heart is laden with the cumbersome weight of emotions, making it tough to discern what is momentary and what is the everlasting truth, thus seeking answers to both.
At a point of time where all dreams seem to be coming true, one questions their very nature. Lost in the pursuit of those answers the mind wonders, what were these aspirations after all? While the world labels the entity the brightest star in the constellation, the being is lost in this glistering world itself. Their mere existence feels to be reduced to something insignificant. And so the question arises, then what is this ‘light’ after all?
Is this the desire that had sunk deep within the heart? Is it the wish that breathed and blossomed each day in thoughts occupying the mind? Or has it all lead to drifting off to another world? The hands are full but the heart endures an emptiness. Has one earned everything or lost themselves too? Aching to encounter its true state, the ‘self’ searches for itself. Who am I and what is my story? What is this pathway that life has lead me to trudge along?
This is nothing but a resting stop of the excursion where the soul seeks the very concept of ‘rest.’ The heart is merry for having crossed every obstacle on the way, yet wonders where has it all come to and what is the real destination, after all, leaving the heart restless. It is the name of a feeling… As if the hands hold everything but a thirst still remains unquenched for something more. But the heart still twitches at the thought of that craving and who longs for it in truth. To decipher this has become an arduous task on its own.
This piece is not a direct translation but the English version of my original interpretation of the lyrics, you can find that here.
This analytical piece is a subjective interpretation of the actual work (bound to have a one-dimensional perspective) and claims to reflect nothing directly or indirectly mentioned in the original lyrics.