“If yearning for years could be encapsulated in an unsent letter from my heart to yours, it would be Yours.”
A trek down an endless path, where time is counted on fingertips for each sunset witnessed, Yours encompasses what it feels like to long indefinitely. Perhaps in a way the feeling reminds me of hiraeth, a longing for a place, a home, an abode…that never was, or will never be yours.
With footsteps buried behind by the sand of times, and no sign of where one’s journey will end, all they know is to keep going. So at each sunset as the feet tire out, the worn out soul is wrapped up in a phantom embrace and lulled to sleep. For even if the excursion to the resting place seems to never conclude, the blistered soles and battered heart, needs a moment to rest, a slice of time to heal.
In the early hours of dawn, the soul scrambles back to their feet, setting out again, in search of a land unknown. But the way the path never seems to change only drills in more the feeling of being entrapped, by this longing to escape, and the whole world below one’s feet to explore. The destination remains distant, the feet grounded to the landscape… as if no matter how far one has come, they’ve never left where they started from, because they never got to where they had to. As if the inability to reach out is bound by the binded fate. So if the hands grasp mere thin air as they desperately reach out, then all the steps taken mean nothing. Yet perhaps that is what keeps us going, the eagerness to get to where we want, even if the yearning yields more of itself. But the heart is tied to a reality that screams in its shrilling sheer silence, it’ll never be yours.
When the sun sets, the calm of the night skies binds one stronger than before to the urge to rise again with the forthcoming morning sun. The cyclical nature of this excruciating journey is marked by the setting of sun and moon. The darkness haunts the souls for another day has gone by, but comforts in its blanket breeze, by embracing when no-one else could. Perhaps that’s why in this unsettling darkness, one is left to call out desires and destinations, till it pulls us into letting all go, at least until another tomorrow.
Perhaps as a mere metaphor, but the companion of the night skies can be viewed as the destination, for only chasing the moon is an endless journey to losing your breath, where the feet tire out but the distance never shortens.* And in that eerie silence, all that can be heard is the fatigued one’s heavy breaths. Even the will to scream into voids has been numbed… All that is left are trailing tears and faint whispers that seek the end of this odyssey, as one is left to hug their knees till slumber takes over, and the pain away, until another tomorrow.
* — He’s chasing the moon...
The journey to the moon is the one with an unchangeable landscape. The reason you never leave the place and the destination is far away... Because no matter how far you go, you never reach the moon. You become breathless while traveling to the moon...
Perhaps it would not be wrong to call Seokjin our nightingale, all his songs seem like melodies hummed to nyctophiles stuck in a maze of their thoughts.
If Jungkook’s voice sounds like someone in love, Jin’s voice sounds like the realization that hits you before, you’re falling in love.
If Jungkook’s voice sounds like heartbroken but deeply in love, Jin’s voice sounds like the realization that hits you after, you’re still in love.
alternative interpretation: please note this one might be slightly more melancholic and potentially disturbing in terms of grief and loss.
This analytical piece is a subjective interpretation of the actual work (bound to have a one-dimensional perspective) and claims to reflect nothing directly or indirectly mentioned in the original lyrics.
Credits to @btsinthemoment, @BTStranslation_ and @btsbaragi_jk for lyric translations.